How Do You Maintain A 12 Hour Night Shift Meal Plan

12 hour night shift meal plan

12 hour night shift meal plan can be challenging for night shift workers. But they can overcome it if they follow a balanced meal schedule. Though a lot of problems arise in the eating and sleeping routine among night shift workers. Because the night shift workers start their work when normal people go to sleep. For example, healthcare workers, factory workers, and security personnel face considerable obstacles in meeting this challenge. There is concern about their physical and human health.

12 hour night shift meal plan
12 hour night shift meal plan
Because their physical and mental health deteriorates due to uncontrolled food and sleep. At the same time, their weight control process is also hindered. A well-controlled diet plan is very important for the 12-hour night duty. This article will discuss a well-regulated and effective way to maintain the overall well-being of night workers.

So if you want to get a comprehensive idea about the 12-hour night diet plan and try to maintain your physical and mental balance by following it, then this article is only for you. Let's first know what the 12-hour night plan is.

What is the meaning of a 12 hour night shift meal plan?

A 12 hour night shift meal plan is a nutritionally effective method designed specifically for night workers. It contains the night of shift addressing the physical impediments employees face in performing their duties. Such as sleep disturbance, digestive problems and eating healthy food late etc.

  • Energy level: The process of eating food while maintaining the level of complex carbohydrates with protein.
  • Hydration: Drink regular fluids instead of caffeinated beverages to replenish adequate fluids.
  • Digestion: Resolve digestive problems by taking light meals during the idle time of night.

By prioritizing nutrient-dense foods, this diet will play a key role in providing the necessary energy, ensuring good sleep during daytime rest, as well as reducing the risk of binge eating. Which can prevent unwanted events like their weight gain. 

Why a Meal Plan is Essential for Managing a 12-Hour Night Shift?

A precise meal plan is very important for 12 hour night shift work. It is very important because of maintaining the energy level of the body, regulating the metabolic process, maintaining the normal circadian rhythm of the body etc. Due to fluctuating energy levels, night shift workers require foods that help stabilize their bodies.

This goal can be achieved by choosing meals and snacks that maintain a balance of protein, healthy fats and complex carbohydrates. Which ensures physical endurance and sustained mental memory throughout the thick shift. It also plays a role in keeping them away from harmful foods and drinks for their overall body through specific meal plans.

Similarly, all these foods contribute significantly to reducing body weight, keeping away from cardiovascular diseases, solving sleep problems and even reducing the risk of chronic diseases like diabetes. Some important foods that play a role in effectively managing blood sugar levels during a night shift worker's extended active period are: 

  • Nuts and seeds

  • Foods with a low glycemic index (GI).

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables

  • Lean protein

  • whole grains

12 hour night shift complete meal plan

If your shift time is variable, schedule meal times according to your convenience. The method described below is based on a medium-sized job in a traditional shift pattern, such as a forklift driver, warehouse worker, factory worker, etc. So let's take a look at the procedure:

Breakfast Time (6 am)

  • Large bowl of high-fiber foods (eg porridge, bran flakes, Weetabix, muesli, shreddies, etc.) + skimmed milk (250 ml)
  • Fruit juice (250 ml)
  • Jam/peanut butter + Two slices of toasted whole grain bread + olive oil rich spread
  • A mug of coffee/tea

7.00 am - Bedtime

If you can't ensure enough sleep along with physical activity then it becomes a matter of harm to your overall health. Research has proven that seven to eight hours of uninterrupted sleep daily is essential for a normal human being. As a night workers, you can list 7-2.30 as your ideal sleep time.

Afternoon (3.00 pm)

  • Large bowl of high fiber foods (eg porridge, bran flakes, Weetabix, muesli, Shreddies, etc. ) + skimmed milk (250 ml)
  • Fruit juice (250 ml)
  • A mug of coffee/tea
  • Jam/peanut butter + toasted two slices of whole grain bread + olive oil rich spread

Evening meal (6.00 pm)

  • Low-sugar/low-fat yogurt
  • Low-sugar/low-fat yogurt
  • To drink
  • 150g lean meat or 170g white fish or 150g chicken breast
  • Served with potatoes or 60g spoonful of basmati rice or 70g whole wheat pasta
  • Vegetables or large salad

Night (9.30 pm)

  • Fresh item fruit
  • Sandwich: Slice chicken/ham or 60g cheese + olive oil-based spead+2 slices whole grain bread
  • to drink

Break (1.00 am)

  • Fresh item fruit
  • 2 squares homemade easy flapjack/quark/cottage cheese or low-fat soft cheese + 3-4 oatcakes
  • to drink

Last period (4.00 am)

  • Sandwich: Sliced chicken/tuna/ham or low-fat natural yogurt or smoked salmon + olive oil-based spread=2 slices whole grain bread
  • Low-fat/low-sugar yogurt
  • Mixed salad
  • To drink

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Tips For Working Night Shift and Eating the Right Foods

One of the major problems of night shift work is to eat nutritious and healthy food in the middle of the night. Due to the lack of proper time, it becomes very challenging to comply with it. But it cannot be an excuse in any way. Here are some tips to follow that will give you a good chance of having a good midnight snack.

Eating the main meal before starting the shift

A habit of eating a healthy balanced meal before starting night shift work will curb your tendency to eat unhealthy junk food during the night. If it's before going to bed it will help you feel fuller. If for some reason you are busy with work in the evening, prepare a large pan of soup or pasta beforehand. So that the food is ready before the shift. Alternatively, you can bring chicken noodles in your lunch box. Which can ensure hunger and nutrition during night duty.

Eat frequent light meals during shifts

Prepare a lunch box with small snacks which will help you to curb hunger during your duty and at the same time avoid high fat and unhealthy food. These foods can be things like, baby carrots, almonds, diced bell peppers, fruit cups, yogurt, low-fat ranch dressing dip, hummus thinned with lemon juice, and pre-cut vegetables like celery. You can also try healthy meal replacement bars like keto bars. Can keep up with it.

 Eat a light meal at the end of the shift

Sleeping naturally becomes challenging if you are hungry or full. After the night shift, you can eat light food such as oatmeal or soup as a sleep aid. Prepare the food at home to save shift time. If you find it difficult to cope with the fatigue of the night shift, having a healthy breakfast after each shift can be effective. At the same time, it can play an effective role in avoiding unhealthy food late at night. 

Take active breaks

Some simple exercises like climbing the stairs, walking around the parking lot for a while, and doing some jumping jacks to improve mood and sleep patterns. By following these, it can be easy to bring back the enthusiasm in your workplace and normalize digestion. Which can help make night shift work easier.

Choose the right food storage space 

Meat-based sandwiches are perishable and need to be kept well by following the refrigeration process. On the other hand, if you plan to eat non-perishable foods such as nuts or crackers, this can be an effective move.  But if there is no perishable food option, you can keep a cooler with an ice pack or an insulated lunch bag with you to keep the food fresh.

Before going to work, put the food in the refrigerator and heat the food in the microwave oven before going to work. There is a recognition from the USDA that perishable food can be considered unsafe to eat if it is kept at room temperature for more than 2 hours.

Read also: 
Why Am I Losing Weight On Night Shift | Expert Advice And Insights

12 Hour night shift meal plan: what not to eat and why


Alcoholic drinks can seriously damage your sleep. It disrupts the normal cycle of sleep and increases the tendency of dehydration. Being high in calories hurts weight gain. It disrupts workplace safety by reducing the amount of attention and can affect efficiency.

fast food

Due to the excess of sugars, unhealthy fats and sodium, fast food can cause physical problems such as rapid weight gain, long-term health problems, lethargy, etc. So night workers should avoid these foods as much as possible. 

Caffeinated Beverages

Caffeinated beverages such as tea, energy drinks etc. can give a temporary boost of energy but can seriously disrupt sleep quality at the end of the shift. Drinking excess caffeine can cause heart palpitations, digestive problems, etc. Which can disrupt work concentration during the shift. Alternatively water, herbal tea etc. can be used.

Processed Foods

Processed foods such as fast food, chips, packaged snacks are usually rich in sugar, salt and high levels of unhealthy fats. Which can cause high blood pressure, diabetes, weight gain and complex health problems. It can also negatively affect your overall performance by lowering your energy levels. 

Refined Carbohydrates

Sweet food, white bread and pastry if the food increases blood sugar quickly and lowers it. Which results in physical weakness. It can make you hungry quickly and increase the tendency to overeat. Alternatively, by choosing foods rich in complex carbohydrates such as green vegetables, fresh fruits and whole grains, it is possible to increase the body's energy and achieve a feeling of fullness for longer. 


A 12 hour night shift meal plan is essential for night shift workers. By eating according to a specific plan, not only physical health can be experienced, but mental health can also be improved overall. Which is essential for your overall performance.


Q: What kind of foods are good for the night shift?

A: Balanced foods such as lean proteins, whole grains, green vegetables, fresh fruits etc. can be the best food options. Also, drink plenty of water throughout the shift to maintain hydration and consume high-protein foods such as hummus with drinkable sources. Also eat unsalted nuts, curd.

Q: How many meals will I eat for a 12-hour night shift? 

A: For a 12-hour night shift you have to eat at least three to four times. Eat a nutritious light meal at the beginning of the shift. Eat fruit or yogurt during the first break, eat a heavy meal rich in protein and vegetables during the mid-break and eat a meal like salad 2 hours before the end of the shift with water.

Q: Can milk be a good choice for the night shift?

A: Milk is one of the main sources of vitamins and calcium. It contains amino acids that help in the production of melatonin and serotonin, which play an important role in ensuring good sleep. Milk also contains tryptophan. A glass of milk with a light splash is very beneficial for night shift work. 

Q: Is coffee a better option for the night shift?

A: Coffee can be one of the best drinks for night shift workers but some precautions must be taken. For example, drinking coffee a few hours before the end of the shift can harm good sleep. However, if you drink coffee according to the rules, the caffeine in the coffee can be one of the most helpful to stay alert and reduce fatigue during the night shift.

Q: Why do I feel hungry after a 12-hour night shift?

A:  There are many reasons why you may feel hungry after night shift work. One of the main reasons is excessive thinking at work. Which may increase appetite in some individuals requiring more energy than calories. However, in this case, due to excessive fatigue, stress hormones, ie hunger, are triggered.

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