Best Liquids To Drink During Intermittent Fasting For Better Health

Liquids to drink during intermittent fasting

Liquids to drink during intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting is a popular practice for improving health, boosting metabolism, and managing weight. For night shift workers, fasting can be challenging, especially when it comes to choosing the right liquids that won’t break the fast. The right drinks can help maintain energy levels, curb hunger, and enhance fasting benefits. This article explores the best liquids to drink during intermittent fasting, with expert tips and recommendations from doctors and research-backed institutes.

What is Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent fasting is about balancing time between when you eat and when you don't. It doesn't dictate specific foods, but rather when you should eat. Popular fasting schedules include the 16/8 method, where you fast for 16 hours and eat during an 8-hour window, and the 5:2 method, where you eat normally for five days and restrict calories for two days. For night shift workers, it’s crucial to balance fasting with irregular sleep and work hours to sustain energy and health.

Why Liquids Matter During Fasting?

Liquids play a vital role during fasting. The right liquids not only keep you hydrated but can also enhance your fasting results. Dr. Jason Fung, a well-known nephrologist and fasting expert, emphasizes that hydration helps maintain focus, reduces hunger, and prevents dehydration, which is common during prolonged fasting periods. For night shift workers, the combination of fasting and irregular hours can lead to greater fluid loss, making proper liquid intake essential.

Importance of Staying Hydrated While Fasting

Hydration is even more crucial for those who work nights. Research from the Sleep Research Society indicates that night shift workers are more prone to dehydration due to disrupted circadian rhythms. Without proper hydration, fasting can lead to headaches, dizziness, and fatigue. Water is the foundation, but choosing other liquids wisely can support energy levels, enhance metabolism, and make fasting more comfortable.

How Dehydration Impacts Your Fasting Results

When you’re dehydrated, your body struggles to maintain basic functions, including metabolism. According to a study by the Mayo Clinic, dehydration can slow down metabolic processes, making fasting less effective. For night shift workers, this can be particularly problematic, as working through the night already places stress on the body’s internal systems. Drinking adequate fluids ensures you maintain energy levels and cognitive performance.

Role of Liquids in Supporting Energy and Focus During Fasting

Liquids like coffee, tea, and water provide more than just hydration during fasting. They help maintain focus and alertness, especially for night shift workers. Dr. Matthew Walker, a neuroscientist, points out that caffeine can improve cognitive function and focus during fasting hours. Black coffee and green tea are popular options for fasting as they offer both hydration and mental clarity without breaking the fast.

Liquids That Are Safe to Drink During Fasting

Not all liquids are fasting-friendly, but some can help you sustain energy without disrupting the process.

Water – The Ultimate Fasting Beverage

Water – The Ultimate Fasting Beverage

Water is the most critical liquid during fasting. It keeps you hydrated, flushes out toxins, and helps in digestion. Experts from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) recommend drinking at least 8 glasses of water daily, but for night shift workers, this may increase due to higher fluid loss during nocturnal work hours. Drinking water during fasting won’t break your fast, and it’s the easiest way to stay hydrated.

Black Coffee – Benefits and Guidelines

Black Coffee – Benefits and Guidelines

Black coffee is a popular drink during fasting because it contains no calories and provides a boost of energy and mental clarity. Dr. Fung recommends limiting coffee intake to about 2-3 cups per day to avoid excess caffeine, which may lead to jitters or sleep disturbances. Night shift workers can benefit from the increased focus that coffee provides, especially during long hours when fatigue sets in.

Green Tea and Herbal Teas – What to Know

Green Tea and Herbal Teas – What to Know

Green tea is another excellent option during fasting. Rich in antioxidants and known to boost metabolism, green tea can aid fat burning without breaking the fast. Herbal teas, such as peppermint or chamomile, offer a calming effect, which is beneficial for night shift workers trying to manage stress. However, it’s important to avoid sweetened or flavored teas, which may contain hidden sugars.

Bone Broth – Should You Include It?

Bone Broth – Should You Include It?

Bone broth is a nutrient-dense liquid often used during fasting for extended periods. While it contains minimal calories, it’s packed with electrolytes and collagen, which support joint and skin health. According to Dr. Amy Shah, a fasting expert, bone broth can be beneficial during longer fasts, but it may break a strict fast. For night shift workers, bone broth can be used during eating windows for an extra nutrient boost.

Understanding Electrolytes and Fasting: Key Points You Should Know

Electrolytes are essential during fasting, especially for night shift workers who may lose more minerals due to irregular sleep patterns and work hours.

Why Electrolytes Are Essential for Fasting

Electrolytes, including sodium, potassium, and magnesium, help maintain fluid balance, prevent cramps, and support muscle function. During fasting, especially for those on a night shift, these minerals can become depleted. Experts from the American Dietetic Association recommend incorporating electrolyte-rich drinks like water with a pinch of sea salt or potassium-infused water to prevent imbalances.

Best Electrolyte Drinks That Won’t Break Your Fast

The best way to replenish electrolytes without breaking your fast is to drink water enhanced with natural salts or sugar-free electrolyte drinks. Avoid commercial sports drinks, as they often contain sugars or artificial ingredients that can interfere with fasting. Dr. Mark Mattson, a neuroscientist at Johns Hopkins, suggests sticking to homemade electrolyte solutions to maintain electrolyte balance during fasting periods.

Liquids to Avoid During Intermittent Fasting

Not all liquids are fast-friendly. Some drinks can disrupt fasting by spiking insulin levels or adding unnecessary calories.

Sugary Drinks and Their Effect on Fasting

Sugary drinks, including sodas, energy drinks, and sweetened coffee, are a major fasting pitfall. They spike insulin, which breaks your fast and reduces the effectiveness of intermittent fasting. According to Dr. Fung, consuming sugary drinks during fasting can halt fat-burning processes and lead to weight gain, especially in night shift workers who are already prone to metabolic disruptions.

Fruit Juices – Are They Really Healthy During Fasting?

Although fruit juices are often considered healthy, they’re loaded with sugars that can break your fast. Even natural sugars can cause insulin spikes, which interfere with fat-burning and fasting benefits. Dr. Michael Mosley, the creator of the 5:2 fasting method, advises avoiding fruit juices during fasting windows, especially for night shift workers who need to manage their energy levels carefully.

Alcoholic Beverages – Why They Should Be Avoided

Alcohol is a liquid that should be avoided during fasting. It’s high in empty calories and can slow down metabolism. Night shift workers are especially vulnerable to the effects of alcohol as it can impair sleep, which is already disrupted by night shifts. According to a study by the National Sleep Foundation, alcohol can worsen sleep quality and delay recovery after a night shift.

The Science Behind Fasting-Friendly Liquids

Liquids like black coffee, green tea, and water don’t just hydrate—they also support various metabolic processes during fasting.

How Black Coffee Helps With Fat Burning

Black coffee can boost fat burning by increasing the production of epinephrine, a hormone that signals fat cells to break down stored fat. According to research from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, coffee increases metabolic rates by 3-11%, making it an ideal drink for night shift workers who need extra energy during fasting.

How green tea helps boost metabolism naturally

Green tea contains catechins, which are powerful antioxidants that enhance fat burning. Studies from Harvard Medical School suggest that green tea can increase calorie burning and promote fat loss, making it a great choice for intermittent fasting. For night shift workers, the calming effect of green tea also helps manage stress and improve focus during long shifts.

How Water Supports Digestion and Detox During Fasting

Water plays a crucial role in digestion and detoxification, particularly during fasting. It helps flush out toxins, promotes regular bowel movements, and aids in the breakdown of stored fats. According to Dr. Peter Attia, a longevity expert, drinking water during fasting supports the body’s natural detox processes, making it an essential part of any fasting regimen.

Homemade Liquid Recipes for Intermittent Fasting

Night shift workers can benefit from simple, homemade liquid recipes that support hydration and fasting without breaking the fast.

Simple Electrolyte Drink Recipe

A simple electrolyte drink can be made by mixing water with a pinch of sea salt, a squeeze of lemon, and a dash of magnesium powder. This homemade drink replenishes essential minerals and helps prevent cramps during fasting. It’s a great option for night shift workers who may experience mineral depletion due to long hours.

DIY Bone Broth for Nutritional Support

Bone broth can be made by simmering bones in water for several hours, extracting nutrients like collagen, gelatin, and minerals. This nutrient-rich liquid is ideal for extended fasts or as part of a meal during eating windows. It’s a great way for night shift workers to replenish nutrients after long fasting periods.

Special Considerations for Different Types of Fasts

Different types of fasting require different liquid strategies. Knowing what’s allowed can make your fasting experience smoother.

Water Fasting vs. Intermittent Fasting – What Can You Drink?

During water fasting, only water is allowed. However, intermittent fasting permits liquids like black coffee, tea, and electrolyte drinks. For night shift workers, intermittent fasting may be more sustainable, as it allows for more flexibility with liquid intake, which is crucial for maintaining energy levels during long shifts.

How Extended Fasts May Change Your Liquid Choices

During extended fasts, electrolyte balance becomes even more critical. Dr. Rhonda Patrick, a fasting researcher, emphasizes that during fasts longer than 24 hours, it’s important to incorporate bone broth or electrolyte drinks to prevent mineral deficiencies. Night shift workers who fast for extended periods should prioritize these liquids to stay energized and healthy.

Expert Tips for Staying Hydrated During Intermittent Fasting

Staying hydrated is one of the most important aspects of successful fasting, especially for night shift workers.

How Much Water Should You Drink?

Experts recommend drinking at least 8-10 glasses of water daily during fasting. However, night shift workers may require more to compensate for fluid loss during late hours. Dr. Michael Greger, author of "How Not to Die," suggests drinking water throughout the night to prevent dehydration and maintain optimal performance.

Timing Your Liquids for Maximum Fasting Benefits

Timing is key when it comes to drinking liquids during fasting. Dr. Valter Longo, a leading researcher in fasting and longevity, recommends consuming water and other fasting-friendly liquids consistently throughout the fasting window to prevent dehydration and keep energy levels stable, particularly for those working irregular hours like night shift workers.


For night shift workers practicing intermittent fasting, staying hydrated is crucial for maintaining focus, energy, and overall well-being. Water, black coffee, and green tea are excellent fasting-friendly options, while sugary drinks, fruit juices, and alcohol should be avoided. By choosing the right liquids and following expert advice, you can make the most of your fasting experience, even during challenging night shifts.


What liquids can you drink while fasting?

During fasting, stick to water, black coffee, herbal tea, or plain sparkling water. These options hydrate and help manage hunger without breaking the fast or adding calories.

Can I drink coconut water during intermittent fasting?

Coconut water contains calories and carbohydrates, so it’s generally not recommended during intermittent fasting. It can break your fast and affect its benefits.

Is lemon water OK during intermittent fasting?

Lemon water is typically fine during intermittent fasting. It’s low in calories and can add flavor to your water without significantly impacting your fast.

Can I drink milk during intermittent fasting?

Milk should be avoided during intermittent fasting as it contains calories, sugars, and proteins that can break your fast and disrupt the fasting process.
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